Tuesday, March 11, 2014

We have been writing about when the Cracker Jack visitors, Maia Jackman and Jordan Cruickshank, came to talk to us at our school assembly. 


  1. I was so excited to read about Crackerjacks. It is so good to be inspired to be better than before. I go to gym every morning to help me be better than before. What kinds of things do you do?
    Your writing and picture are very impressive. Keep up the great work. I bet this piece of writing was better than the one before. You must already be a Crackerjack writer!


  2. Well done!
    I love how you want to be a teacher.
    Keep up the excellent writing!
    :) Bryan

  3. Good work Charlie F!
    It's good that you want to be a teacher when you grow up. I have always wanted to be a professional snow boader. But I think I need to get a bit better at that.
    From Anzac and good sharing.
    Room 11.

  4. Hi Charlie F,
    What a really good post about the Cracker Jack assembly.
    Great drawing of Jordan Cruickshank and Maia Jackman.
    From Shaan.
    Room 9
